
  • Just Added: Babe the Blue OX
    We’ve known Babe for years. And yet none of us have ever met. They’ve been around a couple of years longer than we have; over the years, a few Dromedary bands have shared the stage with them, and I think we first exchanged letters – actual LETTERS because we’re fucking old as dirt – in … Continue reading Just Added: Babe the Blue OX
  • Announcing DromFest ’24!
    As Drom30 came to a close last year, a few people reflected on the weekend, and said “You know, you should make this an annual thing.” We don’t know about that, but we definitely had it in us to reprise last year’s party and give it another try. And as we started asking other bands, … Continue reading Announcing DromFest ’24!
  • Out Now – Reindeer Soul
    We’re celebrating the release of Reindeer Soul, the debut LP by Matt Hunter & the Dusty Fates. We first heard Matt’s band – which included lots of old friends and members of bands we’ve admired for years – when we booked a show at the Avalon in Catskill with our pals in Savak. Matt is … Continue reading Out Now – Reindeer Soul
  • Out Now: Karyn Kuhl
    We can’t tell you how excited we are to be once again working with Karyn Kuhl. Karyn is a Hoboken, NJ legend, dating back to her time with the influential bands Gutbank and Sexpod. She has continued writing music and inspiring her peers with her outstanding guitar work, her spectacular voice, and most importantly, her … Continue reading Out Now: Karyn Kuhl

OLD, CRANKY AND LOUD – Noisy pop music for weirdos like you.