Category Archives: News

Magnet Shows Us Love!

“Magnet Magazine”: has been preparing people for the release of the Mommyheads’ _Finest Specimens_ CD next week by featuring one live Mommyheads video each day between October 13 and the October 19 street date.

_Magnet_, who featured the video for “Needmore, PA” when we first announced the CD, will be featuring videos from the band’s May 22 show at The Cave in Sundyberg, Sweden.

Check out _Magnet_ every day this weekend, for some performances we haven’t shared with you.

Dromedary announces CMJ Music Marathon Show!

We’re stoked beyond belief to announce our first-ever showcase for the _CMJ Music Marathon_, at our favorite venue in the world: Maxwell’s, in Hoboken, NJ.

The date is Friday, October 22, and it’s an all-Dromedary event, featuring the most unbelievable bill we can imagine.

Headlining the evening’s festivities will be *The Mommyheads*. This will be the record release party for the brandy-new _Finest Specimens_ CD, so the band will be performing all the fan favorites, plus showcasing some *brand new songs* that you haven’t heard before. This is their first New Jersey appearance in over a decade.

Also on the bill will be Hoboken’s own *Stuyvesant*. Fresh off their August Maxwell’s gig where they were joined onstage by founding Lemonheads member Ben Deily for a fantastic cover of “Ever,” Stuyvesant will bring their monstrous crunch-pop back to their home base of Maxwell’s, and also polishing up brand-new material from their forthcoming Dromedary CD.

As if that wasn’t enough, we’re also happy to present *Jenifer Convertible*, reuniting once again and performing their first set at Maxwell’s in ages, with their classic lineup of Lenny Zenith, Jim Santo, Andy Moore and James Pertusi.

And lastly, we’re thrilled to announce the (hopefully) first of many performances by Hoboken icons *Shirk Circus*, performing classic Shirk songs as well as new stuff from their forthcoming Dromedary CD.

*You cannot miss this show.* _CMJ_ badges will be honored, we’ll be giving away free Dromedary CD samplers for as long as supplies last, and you are guaranteed to hear the best indie rock that the New York City area will have to offer on that particular night.

For those of you not attending the _CMJ_ event, tickets will be available for the *stoopid* low price of just *EIGHT BUCKS*.

Tickets are already on sale, and can be purchased “here”:

Dromedary Records. We’re cheap and we’re good.

Mommyheads on National TV!

Check this out, it’ll blow your mind. Time Warner embraces indie rock! This spot for Time Warner Cable, features the Mommyheads and will be airing nationally in the fall. We’ve heard reports from fans who’ve seen it already! Finally, a reason to watch television!

Get the new Mommyheads single free!

“_Paste Magazine_ “: is offering a free download of “Work,” the next single from the Mommyheads’ wonderful _Finest Specimens_ album.

_Finest Specimens_, a 21-song retrospective of the band’s 21-year career, hits stores October 19.

Mommyheads on Magnet!

Magnet Magazine debuted the live video of The Mommyheads’ “Needmore, PA” last week in the “Film at Eleven” feature on their website.

The video is the actual performance that’s captured in the Dromedary release of _Finest Specimens_, which hits the streets on October 19.

Check it out “here”:

Here’s what Magnet had to say about the Mommyheads:

_Back in the ’90s, the Mommyheads were a quirky, pop-leaning indie-rock band with a cult following that achieved virtually no commercial success whatsoever. The same can be said about far too many other groups from the era, but what separated the Mommyheads from their peers was just how good these musicians were. Although they broke up in 1998, they played the occasional show, which led to them recording a new album, You’re Not A Dream, a decade later. On October 19, the Dromedary label is issuing Finest Specimens, a 21-track, career-spanning retrospective featuring a handful of previously unreleased live tracks. We are proud to debut the video for the live version of 1995 standout “Needmore, PA,” recorded earlier this year in Sweden._

And here’s the video:

The Mommyheads: “Needmore, PA” from Dromedary Records on Vimeo.

Dagger interviews Dromedary, free Mommyheads track, and more!

Tim Hinely’s long-running and still cool zine _Dagger_ was cool enough to give us some time, talking to Dromedary about the old days of indie rock, our reasons for re-launching the label, some of the changes in indie rock over the years, and our plans for the future.

Check out the entire interview “here”:

This week also saw the release of the first single from the Mommyheads’ forthcoming CD _Finest Specimens_ – a “Best of the Mommyheads” sort of compilation. The first single is a stunning live version of the classic “Needmore, PA” that was recorded live in Stockholm this past May.

You can pick up a free MP3 copy from the excellent blog Largehearted Boy “here”:

The release party for the _Finest Specimens_ CD will be at our favorite place on earth: Maxwell’s, in Hoboken, on October 22. This is right in the middle of the _CMJ Music Marathon_, and CMJ badges will be honored at the show. This is a Dromedary Records showcase, so we’ll be announcing other fantastic guests shortly – for now, though, you can trust that there won’t be a better bill anywhere in the NYC area.