Category Archives: News

Guy Capecelatro III Makes MAGNET a Mix Tape

Guy Capecelatro III is a pretty humble guy, and he’s got a lot of friends.

So when our friends at MAGNET magazine asked him to participate in their “Make MAGNET a Mix Tape” feature, he chose to put together a selection of music from his friends: folks like Tan Vampires, The Mommyheads, Anna Vogelzang, Hello Shark, and other friends that Guy has made along his musical journey.

Kicking it all off, MAGNET offers a free download of “Like Anything,” the debut single from _North for the Winter_.

Check out the entire mix tape “here”:

A Great Pretense

In conjunction with the release of the free download of “Greatest Pretense,” the latest single from _Strike Hard!_, the debut album by *The 65’s*, songwriter Dan Smith was asked for some insight into the song’s meaning.

He responded with a short story, which we’re proud to share.

*A Great Pretense*

So much for chance meetings, as she shows up at your doorstep again, looking even more uncomfortable than you, if that’s even possible. But then, there’s no need for pleasantries when there’s whiskey so you just sit there and pretend to ignore all of her not-so-subtle glances until eventually she’s too close to push away. And, in truth, drunken conversations fueled by Jameson and Jack being what they are, things could be worse.

And, in truth, you don’t mind so much that she’s decided to invade your privacy, as she stands naked in your little place away from the world, surveying whatever she can through the darkness, both literal and otherwise. And you pretend not to notice just how green her eyes can be in certain lighting. You tell yourself that you’re not affected by the way she whispers when you’re inside her and forgo the need to hold her while she sleeps.

But the next morning, when it’s all too much to talk about love, you send her away and try not to give it a second thought. You keep telling yourself that you don’t need it anymore. You tell yourself lots of things these days, whatever it takes to get free. And, who knows, maybe one day she’ll realize that you love her too.

*Download it here for free*

New Mommyheads Video!

Check out this brand-new video, recorded last year in Stockholm, for the song “No One Gives A Damn About Your Band.” This is a new, live recording of an old song that’s never been released!

We’ll have some exciting Mommyheads news this spring.

Cindi from The 65’s talks to Dagger Zine

The ultra-cool *Dagger Zine* spoke with Cindi Merklee of The 65’s about the band’s history, influences, and their relationship with Dromedary. Here”s an exerpt:

*NJ/NY band the 65’s put out a terrific debut last year called STRIKE HARD (Dromedary Records). If you dig the crunchy sounds of bands like Superchunk or Husker Du then this band will be right up your alley. New bassist Cindi Merklee was nice enough to answer some questions I threw her way.*

*What was your introduction to music as a kid?*
I have two brothers who are considerably older than I am and both played in bands. I had an old hand-me-down turntable and a budding record collection before I entered grade school. By the time I was in high school we had an 8 track studio in our attic. It was the 80s and hair metal reigned supreme in Jersey yet I was privy to some amazing local original bands who really shaped my perspective on music – Chris Moffa & The Competition, Sleeve Coat, The Ambivalent Brothers (featuring Ed Seifert who is now with Speed the Plough – Dromedary mates of ours). My siblings were also really into the Hoboken scene back then. I was exposed to a ton of great music growing up. Robyn Hitchcock & The Egyptians, Game Theory, The dB’s, IRS era REM, Guadalcanal Diary, Husker Du, Throwing Muses, The Replacements….all stuff I probably would have missed otherwise.

*What do you remember most about the recording of STRIKE HARD?*
Unfortunately for me, the album was just about done by the time I came on board but Joe was adamant that I have some part in it. One afternoon when we were up at Kevin Lacatena’s to master it I suggested recording one of my solo acoustic songs to go on the record. Joe already had a solo acoustic track on there so it wouldn’t have been entirely out of place. Everyone was in favor of the idea so Kevin handed me a guitar & planted two mics in front of me sitting on a couch in his basement. It’s not the most polished performance, but I’ve never been big on polish.

*What is the photo on the cover of other record?*
The front cover is my guitar after a solo acoustic show. Being a bass player by nature, I tend to be a bit of a basher on guitar and have a tendency to rip my cuticles open. Those are my bloody guitar strings. The back cover is my blood splattered all over my brother’s SG which I borrowed when I stood in with Stuyvesant last summer for the mid-west leg of their tour in support of Fret Sounds, which was also released on Dromedary.

*Any final thoughts? Words of wisdom? Closing comments?*
I can only feign wisdom at this age. Thanks for checking us out though. Lots of good things happening at Dromedary HQ – we’re happy to be a part of it.

Read the entire interview “here”:

Guy Capecelatro III On Tour

We’re proud to announce the *Guy Capecelatro III* _End of Winter Tour_.

In support of his new album on Dromedary Records, _North for the Winter_, Guy hits the road with the wonderful Massachusetts band Tiger Saw, mixing in a few house concerts with some shows at public venues throughout the Northeast. Please check out Guy and Tiger Saw on the following dates:

*Saturday, March 3:* Winooski, VT – _The Monkey House_ (with the fantastic Hello Shark)

*Sunday, March 4:* West Hartford, CT – _The Backstage Pizza Cafe_

*Tuesday, March 6:* York, PA – _The Parliament_

*Wednesday, March 7:* Clifton, NJ – _The Clash Bar_ (with Dromedary artist *The 65’s*, performing acoustic)

*Sunday, March 11:* Kennebunk, ME – _The Hive_ (with Old Soul)

*Monday, March 12:* Portsmouth, NH – _The Red Door_ (with Eric Ott)

*Tuesday, March 13:* Portland, ME – _St. Lawrence Arts_