Category Archives: News

Guy Capecelatro III weighs in on his favorite tour destinations

Our friends at *Green Light Go Music Publicity* have a feature in their music blog called _High Five!_ – it’s where artists give a list of five favorite things.

This week, *Guy Capecelatro III*, who’s done quiet a bit of traveling, offers up his five favorite places to visit while on tour.

The verdict for #1: San Francisco.

Read the entire feature “here.”:

Wilfully Obscure reviews Tunnel Trees

The always engaging music blog *Wilfully Obscure* has turned in an excellent review of the new *Cuppa Joe* CD, _Tunnel Trees_.

Kicking off with the reviewer’s impression of the album’s lead track “A Couple Whiles” as “smack(ing) of For Against circa their soothing and oft overlooked _Shelf Life_ album.” The review proceeds to describe the remaining album:

_”The nine numbers succeeding the aforementioned ‘A Couple Whiles’ are comparatively homespun organic guitar pop, occasionally whimsical and brimming with a potpourri of variations of the well-worn genre. There’s a bit of a kiwi vibe infiltrating ‘Giving Up the Day’ and ‘Some Might Call Us Happy,’ with both songs hinting at what Chris Knox/Tall Dwarfs were so blithely trying to convey a quarter century or so ago. ‘In the Shade of Tunnel Trees’ and ‘Blue Sky moon’ flaunt a more robust sonic palette, while another key album highlight, ‘Forty’ is a brisk, minite and a half burst of campfire pop, packing an infectious harmony. In short, even though I wasn’t treated to the new For Against album I had initially anticipated, I got something just as rewarding, and you just might as well.”

Read the entire review “here”:

New 65’s Video

Check out the new video of “Walk On Selfishly,” the lead single from *The 65’s* debut CD _Strike Hard!_.

Directed by Brian Fitzpatrick, the video is set in an underground punk club in Suburban New Jersey. And if we may say so, it’s a kickass song.

Jim DeRogatis weighs in on Speed the Plough

We’ve admired the members of *Speed the Plough* for what seems like two decades (actually, it _is_ two decades), but it wasn’t until we actually became friends that we experienced the happiness and enthusiasm with which they create music.

Journalist Jim DeRogatis weighed in today on Speed the Plough’s _Shine,_ and as a former member of the band, you’d think it would be difficult for him to remain objective. But Mr. DeRogatis did an outstanding job describing the vibe of the band and its history, and describing _Shine_ as “possibly the best in the band’s discography.”

“The group hasn’t altered the formula it’s honed for more than three decades now: The ebb-and-flow crescendos, John’s slippery keyboard lines, Toni’s simple but beautiful flute and sax parts and angelic vocals, and Marc’s bedrock rhythm guitar sound exactly as they always have. But the fragile but insistent guitar leads, especially those from new member Ed Seifert, add a welcome edge, and songs such as “In My Book,” “Madeleine,” and “Sea of Tranquility” have a timeless, magical feel that places them among the very best the group has written.

You can read the entire glowing review “here.”: