Summer of Misguided Dynamite

Coming May 27: Cathedral Ceilings – “Summer of Misguided Dynamite”

Last summer, we were fortunate enough to catch a couple of shows by *Cathedral Ceilings* as they put together a few weekenders to celebrate what seemed like the end of the pandemic that’s never going to end, and to support the two singles they’d released on Dromedary.

The energy in their live performances is amazing, the songs are lightning quick, one after the other, devastating pop hooks over thunderous riffs, and the audiences _loved_ it.

Now that we head into the spring, the band is poised to release _Summer of Misguided Dynamite_, their debut full-length album. Recorded by Tom Beaujour (Nada Surf, Aeon Station), the record is 12 beastly pop songs – like Cheap Trick on speed, or Marked Men on steroids.

The record will be _officially_ out on May 27, but the band will be playing all over the Northeast throughout April and May (check our “shows” page for details).

Meanwhile, you can preview the album’s first single, “Addition by Sedition,” and preorder it “here”: It’ll be available on 180-gram vinyl, CD, and coming soon, we’ll have a limited-edition _third_ vinyl option for DIY-heads!