Cuppa Joe contest!

As of today (January 4, 2012) we have leaked out three tracks from Cuppa Joe’s forthcoming CD _Tunnel Trees._

Do you know what they are? You can find them all, but you’ll have to hunt for them. We’re not Sub Pop; we can’t just get our music on every website we want just because we feel like it.

So we thought we’d have a contest. *If you can find the three songs and tell us their titles, you can win a chance to receive a FREE advance copy of _Tunnel Trees_, PLUS an _original_ copy of the band’s 1994 breakthrough CD, _Nurture_.*

The rules are simple:

1) Figure out the song titles.
2) Send an email to info(at)dromedary-records dot com telling us what they are.
3) Include your mailing address!

We’ll select one winner at random, and mail you a copy of the CDs.

But hurry up – this contest ends on SATURDAY, JANUARY 7. You need to enter by 11:59 PM!

Something New from Cuppa Joe!

Let’s ring in the new year with something new from *Cuppa Joe*!

This is the first new music you’ve heard from Cuppa Joe in a while. It is indeed called “Something New,” and it features the same clever lyrics and home-spun twee pop melodies we’ve grown to love from Doug Larkin & co. over the years.

This track is taken from the forthcoming Cuppa Joe LP _Tunnel Trees_, which is due out on Dromedary on February 14 on CD and digital download. With _Tunnel Trees_ we’re going to try, umm, something new: we’re going to leak every song on the record before the actual street date – some will be available for download, some not – but you’ll be able to hear the entire album well in advance of its release.

This one *is* available for your downloading pleasure – simply click the down arrow on the SoundCloud music player, and it’s all yours!

Cuppa Joe • “Something New” by dromedary

Online Listening Party with The 65’s!

Dromedary and *The 65’s* are pleased to announce a new kind of listening party – where you can listen with friends, from the privacy of your living room!

Join us in the Dromedary Records room on Turntable FM on Sunday, November 27 at 8:00 PM EST, where we’ll be previewing _Strike Hard!_, the awesome debut LP from The 65’s. Wind down your Thanksgiving weekend with our last record of 2011, from one of the most exciting new bands in New Jersey.

To find us, simply “click this link”: or search for “Dromedary Records” on “Turntable FM.”:

We’ll be spinning records beginning at 8PM (eastern), and we’ll play The 65’s record from start to finish shortly thereafter.

Members of the band will be in the room listening along, answering questions, and talking music.

If you’ve never used Turntable FM before, it’s a pretty cool experience – think of it as an online chat room, only participants play records for each other, and can talk about (and play) music with each other – it’s a music listening experience the way we used to do it when we were kids.

Come celebrate this great new album with us as we share it in this cool new format for the first time!

(we sure hope this works; we’ve never done it before!)

New Single from The 65’s!

Are you an Rdio subscriber?

Well, you SHOULD be. And we’re going to give you an opportunity to check out their service by presenting you with “Walk On Selfishly,” the debut single from The 65’s forthcoming CD _Strike Hard!_ (due this December). The single comes with a non-LP B-side, “Hyacinth.”

The 65’s are a *monster* of a band that is tearing up North Jersey with devastating live shows and a buzz that’s been building steadily since the band’s roof-raising performance the final night of Camelfest this past August at Maxwell’s in Hoboken.

Check this out – you can listen to it, add it to your Rdio collection, and share it with friends on Facebook, Twitter, your blog, wherever! Help us spread the word about our latest signing – and enjoy the music!

And for those of you who prefer to *own* the music, you can download this from iTunes, Amazon, or your e-tailer of choice.

New Mommyheads “Hello Friends” video!

Check out the latest video from The Mommyheads, for the single “Hello Friends.” This song really harkens back to _Coming Into Beauty_-era Mommyheads (to us it recalls “I Started Breathing” in a lot of ways.

“Hello Friends” is taken from the forthcoming CD _Delicate Friction_, to be released on Dromedary October 18!

OLD, CRANKY AND LOUD – Noisy pop music for weirdos like you.