Mommyheads Live Video!

Check out this music video, from 1995, of The Mommyheads performing “Broken and Glazed.”

“Broken and Glazed” appeared on the band’s 1995 CD _Bingham’s Hole_ (Dot Dot Dash). The live footage was filmed at the Paradise Lounge in San Francisco, and the video was created by Dave Gresalfi.

_Flying Suit_ hits the street on May 18. Get excited – it’s truly an amazing record.

New York Magazine reviews Flying Suit

…in 1994, that is. Here’s what _New York Magazine_ had to say about the original _Flying Suit_ release:

bq. _”A hidden treasure that’s been roaming indie-rock byways from Brooklyn to San Francisco for years, the Mommyheads specialize in winsomely low-key, perfectly cut gems of avant-pop. There are keyboards but of the clunky, Modern Lovers variety; there are guitars but overlaid and cross-hatched with a baroque imagination worthy of XTC. The surreally poetic lyrics and quirky arrangements give way to gorgeous vocal harmonies and hooky, Beatlesque choruses that last and last. This record, like their last for the superhip label Simple Machines, is an embarrassment of riches, but the unfashionably clean production and note-perfect playing shows anything but embarrassment.”_

_Flying Suit_ hits the streets again in just five weeks. Exquisitely remastered by Fred Kevorkian (The White Stripes, Phish, Stuyvesant), the album features three bonus tracks that did not appear on the original.

To hear tracks from the remastered album, “friend us on Facebook:: – we’ll be posting a few tasty treats over there as we get closer to the street date.

And for our friends in Scandinavia – brace yourselves for a Mommyheads spring tour!

New FRC Video!

Stuart Wexler, friend of Dromedary and filmmaker who is currently working on _Cruel But Fair_, a documentary of the New Brunswick, NJ music scene in the 1990s, was kind enough to bring some HD cameras to the Dark Brothers/Friends, Romans, Countrymen/Footstone reunion show at Maxwell’s last month and film FRC’s set.

In advance of the release of the Friends, Romans, Countrymen CD _I Am Spartacus_, Stuart edited together this video of FRC performing “The Day Footstone Died,” the band’s song about the 1999 demise of one of New Jersey’s best indie bands, Footstone.

_I Am Spartacus_ will be available digitally tomorrow, here on the Dromedary website as well as at all finer online retailers. CDs will also be available for mailorder.

Check it out!

The Day Footstone Died from Meat + Potato Brand Graphics on Vimeo.

Cuppa Joe Radio Interview and New Video!

On the eve of the release of Cuppa Joe’s incredible CD _Nurture_, Doug and Steve appeared on the Lazlo’s Den radio program on Topics of discussion included the re-release of _Nurture_, the new tracks that have been added to the album, the time travel made possible by the internet and more.

You can listen to a re-broadcast of the interview “at this link.”:

While we’re at it, Doug and honorary Cuppa member Seamus recorded this lovely version of “Beauty of an Unshared Thing” for your enjoyment!

Dromedary to Reissue The Mommyheads’ “Flying Suit” CD!

The Mommyheads were the biggest and most popular band ever to release a record on Dromedary. The _Flying Suit_ CD, initially released in 1995, sold out of three pressings within months, as the band toured the United States in Canada with the likes of The Posies and Guided By Voices. The CD went on to become an indie rock classic, receiving stellar reviews and college radio airplay everywhere.

When we reconnected with the band in mid 2009, we began talking about a re-release of _Flying Suit_ on Dromedary. Perhaps a European tour. And some additional tracks, to flesh out _Flying Suit_ with some additional songs recorded and released during that period – including “Day Job,” the song that rocked our world throughout 1993. And the songs were all remastered beautifully, bringing out elements of the music that we’d never heard before. What a fantastic album.

Today, we’re thrilled to announce that this May, we will be re-releasing the classic _Flying Suit_ CD, *completely and beautifully remastered*, with *three additional tracks*. Even if you own the original _Flying Suit_ you’ll owe it to yourself to pick up the 2010 version – each track sounds phenomenally better, and the three additional tracks – each one an early ’90s classic from the band – round out this incredibly-crafted, articulate pop masterpiece.

For a sneak preview of the beauty of the remastered _Flying Suit_, check out the track “Spiders” from the Dromedary compilation _Make the Load Lighter: Indie Rock for Haiti_. Then sit back and wait patiently – we’ll have the new version streaming this Spring.

And for you Mommyheads fans in northern Europe who have waited for years to see the band, your wait is almost over. We’re proud to announce the The Mommyheads will be *touring* Scandinavia this Spring!

Dromedary In The News!

Dromedary and Dromedary bands have been all over the place the last few weeks. Check out what people are saying!


The release of Footstone’s _Lippy_ has generated quite a bit of interest.

The _Aquarian Weekly_ wrote a blurb on the Dromedary and _Lippy_ re-launch, as well as the Footstone/FRC/Dark Brothers show at Maxwell’s. You can read that “here”:

Jay Lustig of the _Star-Ledger_ in New Jersey wrote a nice piece on Dromedary, Footstone, _Lippy_, and _Make The Load Lighter_ that can be found “here”:

The literary blog _I Just Read About That_ wrote about _Lippy_ “here”:

On March 1, the track “Toothpick” from the _Lippy_ CD was offered by eMusic as their *Free Daily Download*. Right after that, the track “Mad-G” received a ton of coverage, starting with _Brooklyn Rocks_, who offered the track for free and wrote all about Footstone “here”:

The *POP! Stereo* blog called “Mad-G” one of the “Ten Tracks You Need” that same week, offering it for free download “here”:

The _Quirky NY Chick_ music blog offered it for free “here”: and _NJ.com_ offered it “here”:


Although the Haiti tragedy was two months ago, the people of Haiti still need our help. The blogosphere is well aware of this, and they’ve been kind enough to give our awesome compilation quite a bit of coverage.

Jim Testa wrote about it on the _Jersey Beat_ blog “here”: and the Boston-based music blog Bradley’s Almanac covered it “here”: (check the Feb. 22 entry).

The Scottish indie music blog Jockrock wrote about the compilation in their “March 2 entry”:

The indie music blog “Heroes of Indie Music”: offered the Mommyheads’ “Spiders” as a free download, as did “The Devil Has The Best Tuna”:

“Spiders” seemed to be a popular download earlier this month, as it was also featured on the “Mad Mackerel music blog”: and “POP! Stereo”:

We were also mentioned on “Under The Radar”: back at the beginning of March. The Scottish indie music press have been very kind to us.

Stick around – there’s lots of stuff going on, and we’ll tell you all about it right here!

OLD, CRANKY AND LOUD – Noisy pop music for weirdos like you.