It is with incredible happiness and pride that we announce that Dromedary has signed the mighty East Village noise pop quartet Jenifer Convertible!
This has been a long time coming. Dromedary Rev.1 flirted with JenCon for years, and ultimately was the last band that we worked with before beginning our hiatus.
Our hiatus, the impact it had on the band, and how the band moved forward was documented by guitarist Jim Santo in a guest entry in the Dromedary blog “here”:
Jenifer Convertible released two critically-acclaimed 7″s on Puddle Records in the mid 90s, followed by the outstanding Wharton Tiers-produced CD _Wanna Drag_. In their wake, they left behind a host of _incredible_ music, and over the coming weeks we will be sifting through it with the band, eagerly anticipating the band’s *LONG* awaited debut on Dromedary Records!
Well, we’ve been back in business for eight months, and it’s time for us to do something we could never do back in the days before MP3 downloads: have a good old, honest-to-goodness *sale*.
So now, for the month of August, *every full-length download in our catalog* is on sale for *five measly dollars*.
Been listening to the Dromedary stream on your work PC, but haven’t wanted to pony up the ten bucks to download Footstone or Cuppa Joe? Well, we’ve just cut the price in *half* for you.
Wanted to contribute some cash to Haiti quake relief, but didn’t have the ten bucks it took to get _Make The Load Lighter_? Well it’s never gonna be cheaper. Five bucks.
And to sweeten the deal for Mommyheads fans, we’ve added a *concert video* to the download of _Flying Suit_. That’s right, for just _five dollars_, you get the complete, remastered _Flying Suit_ MP3, plus the three bonus tracks, _and_ a DVD-quality concert video of the band performing “Worm” this past May at the Cave, in Sundyberg, Sweden!
We will _not_ throw in a set of steak knives – this is the best deal you’re gonna get! Visit our “online store”: and download away!
Our good friend Jim Testa of _Jersey Beat_, _NJ.Com_, _The Jersey Journal_ and who knows how many other publications was nice enough to write about us last week.
He was mainly writing about the Stuyvesant show at Maxwell’s on August 26 (check it out; they’re playing with Varsity Drag, featuring Ben Deily of the Lemonheads), but the piece wound up as much a Dromedary interview as a Stuyvesant promo piece.
You can read the piece “here”:
And while we’re at it, _Brooklyn Vegan_ wrote about the upcoming Mommyheads show – this Thursday night at The Rock Shop in Brooklyn, in support of Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin.
“Check it out”:
We’re proud to play you a new video from the Mommyheads’ May 22 show in Sundyberg – a brilliant version of “Jaded,” featuring guest vocalist Charlie Emm, who did an absolutely magnificent job.
Also, Tim Hinely wrote the following very nice review of _Flying Suit_ for Blurt Online. You can get _Flying Suit_ right here, or from your favorite music e-tailer.
“This San Francisco band, which existed from the late 80’s through the ‘90s, was quite underrated and confounded many. Though they wrote good pop songs, they were never able to garner any kind of momentum to bring them the respect that they deserved (possibly because each release was on a different record label). Flying Suit was record number three (after their 1991 release, Coming into Beauty on the Simple Machines label) and just might have been their best. In addition to the 8 songs that were on the original the label has tacked on 3 more songs that were recorded around that same time period and it’s been remastered as well.
Singer/guitarist Adam Cohen and his talented crew of art-damaged popsters (Mike Holt on keys, Jeff Palmer on bass and Dan Fisherman on drums) waste no time jumping right in on the first track, “Sandman”, with its jangly guitar and sky-written keyboards while “Saints Preserve Us” takes an odd time signature and runs with it. The cascading “Bottom Out” is one of the bands best songs with terrific lyrics (“I could fix your car and impress your friends and we could all drive around in my head”) while the quirky “Worm” shows a bit of a darker side. The three bonus tracks are all worth hearing as well (especially the soaring “Over”) and though a few of the songs are a bit too unfocused, overall it works well as a whole. With a sound not unlike another under-respected band, XTC, The Mommyheads were not long for this world.
However, wait, stop press: the Mommyheads are back! Playing shows and recording for (Portland’s own) Bladen County Records, so at the next gig you make sure they don’t forget to play some Flying Suit material. It deserves to be heard.
Standout Tracks: “Sandman”, “Bottom Out”, “Henry Miller is Dead”, “Over” TIM HINELY”
While on their 2010 Swedish tour, The Mommyheads stopped into The Cave in Sundyberg.
The resulting masterful performance was captured on DVD-quality audio and video, courtesy of the band’s Swedish friends. Thanks to their generosity, we’re proud to share some of the video with those of you who were unable to attend the shows.
Without further ado, here’s a clip of the band performing their 1996 classic “Bingham’s Hole.” Enjoy!
On the heels of the announcement of Stuyvesant’s signing to Dromedary, we’re pleased to announce the imminent release of _Jihad Me At Hello_, a digital EP that we’ll be making available to you for *FREE* download.
We love this band. We love this band _so_ much that we want you to know about them. And so we’ve collected a few of their very best songs, a couple of rarities and unreleased tracks, and a demo from their forthcoming Dromedary full-length, put them together in one hysterically-titled digital EP that should serve as an excellent introduction to the band’s masterful brand of powerful pop.
This is the band that _The Big Takeover_ called “A zillion times over more smart and more sincere than the latest batch of ersatz flakes hogging into the limelight.” The band that Used Wigs said “…have the nice gravelly edge of Armchair Martian and evokes Ted Leo at his hyper-melodic best.”
And it’s the band that Jersey punk icon Jim Testa called a “NJ supergroup,” with “two talented singer/guitarists with slightly different styles and some powerhouse songs that make wonderful use of everyone’s talents.”
You need to hear this band.
Stay tuned, the single “Bi-Polar Bears” is right around the corner.
OLD, CRANKY AND LOUD – Noisy pop music for weirdos like you.